Wounded Warrior Support Foundation


Often, we may not know in person those heroes, who used to fight for freedom of our country from the day of Georgia’s independence.

Many of them gave their lives for the sake of freedom and their names will never pass into oblivion. But there are those, who defended our nation in wars for unity and freedom and they are back, living beside us. We are proud of them. Their existence gives us strength and belief that our main attainment – sovereignty, is being unshakable.

Dedicated charity number is created for the foundation by Silknet - 0 901 777 771. By dialing the number, mobile and fixed line subscriber of Silknet can donate one Lari to the account of the foundation.

By the end of 2018 Silknet became the winner of the year in nomination“Forbes Georgia Social Impact” for establishing the “Wounded Warrior Support Foundation.


On September 28th the Second Annual Georgian Wounded Warriors Charity Run Was Held Under the Initiative of Tbilisi Defense Attache Association, With the Organization of Ministry of Defense


On September 28th the second charity run was held to support Georgian wounded warriors. This event was to honor the Georgian Defense Forces and help support their wounded warriors. All the money raised from this event, 6 300 GEL, was given to the Georgian Wounded Warrior Support Foundation.

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Wounded Warriors Week


Wounded Warriors Week was traditionally held in Maro Makashvili rehabilitation center in Tserovani during June 30 - July 6. The official opening ceremony was attended by Minister of Defense of Georgia, Irakli Chikovani, Deputy Minister of Defense of Georgia, Paata Patiashvili, US Ambassador in Georgia, HE Robin Dunnigan, US military attaché, COL Joseph Bilbo, General Director of "Wounded Warrior Support Foundation” and Silknet, David Mamulaishvili, as well as other honorable guests, wounded warriors and their families.


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Support from British Embassy


It has been a second year, since British Embassy is supporting Wounded Warrior Support Foundation by financing the British Corner English language courses for the children of Georgian wounded warriors.

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„Let’s unite for our heroes“ – publishing house „Palitra L“ organized a charity action to support the WWSF


Media holding Palitra Media and its subsidiary Palitra L organized a charity action in book stores of Biblus for supporting WWSF. Within its traditional charity action, Palitra L launches a special offer on certain books in Biblus stores.

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Wounded Warrior Support Foundation held its traditional charity gala evening on December 2, 2023


On December 2nd Wounded Warrior Support Foundation presented report of 2023 activities to the society. 

On December 2nd Wounded Warrior Support Foundation held its traditional pre-New Year  charity Gala Dinner. The event was attended by Minister of Defense of Georgia, Juansher Burchuladze, as well as high rank military officials of MOD, US Ambassador, HE Robin L. Dunnigan, NATO Military Liaison Officer, Col. Rusen Abidinoglu, Ambassadors, military attaches, business sector and other distinguished guests.

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On November 25th Tbilisi Defence Attache Association organized a charity run in order to support Wounded Warrior Support Foundation.


On November 25th, Tbilisi Defence Attache Association took the initiative to organize Charity Run at Lisi Lake in order to support Wounded Warrior Support Foundation. The sport activity was joined by staff of different embassies, as well as military servicemen of Georgian Defense Forces and wounded servicemen, Tbilisi Runners Club and other volunteers. 

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October 17 is Veterans Day in Georgia – highlighted by Euronews Georgia


October 17 is Veterans Day. In connection with this date the State Service of Veterans Affairs held an official reception, which was attended by prime-minister, Irakli Gharibashvili, Minister of Defense of Georgia, Juansher Burchuladze, other officials, CEO of Wounded Warrior Support Foundation, David Mamulaishvili, as well as veterans and other invited guests. Director of State Service of Veterans Affairs, Koba Kobaladze mentioned WWSF in his welcome speech and thanked the fund for its valuable support to veterans since 2018.

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Wounded Warriors Week


June 30 is Wounded Warriors Day in Georgia. On this occasion Ministry of Defense of Georgia organized Wounded Warriors Week in Tserovani, Maro Makashvili Rehabilitation Center.

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Summarizing of WWSF current activities


WWSF shared the results of its activities as of end of April. In Imedi TV topic about the fund military servicemen and veterans talk about the support, they got from WWSF. General Manager of WWSF summed up ongoing activities and spoke about some of the future plans.

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Highlights of traditional Tsinandali Christmas reception for wounded warriors – Imedi TV


Tsinandali Christmas reception for wounded warriors and the WWSF activities were highlighted on Imedi TV program “Imedis Dge”.


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Traditional Christmas reception in Tsinandali Estate – on Euronews Georgia


Euronews Georgia highlighted traditional Christmas reception organized by Silknet in Tsinandaly. Military servicemen, veterans and their wives were hosted at Tsinandali Estate to celebrate the New Year and Christmas on January 11. The valuable guests enjoyed performance by Theatrical Quartet and Sukhishvili Georgian National Ballet.

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Cooperation with Invictus Games Foundation


With a grant received from international charity foundation Invictus Games Foundation, Wounded Warrior Support Foundation purchased 10 seated basketball chairs for Georgia’s wounded warriors’ team.


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2022 Activity Results and Traditional Pre-New Year Charity Gala


Traditional pre–New Year charity gala dinner was held on December 21. The event was attended by representatives from Ministry of Defense and State Service of Veterans Affairs, wounded warriors, diplomatic corpus: ambassadors and military attaches, as well as NATO Liaison office and ODC representatives, business sector and different representatives of society.  


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Supporters of the Fund


WWSF is supported by different organizations, funds and not only. Kind initiatives were shown by embassies and representatives of diplomatic corpus at different times. One of the latest good initiative was a charity concert.

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On September 10th Silk Road Wines Foundation – an American company organized a charity gala event.


Part of the donations raised during the charity gala event – Wine for Warriors will be granted to Wounded Warriors Support Foundation for its charitable activities.

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On September 10th Silk Road Wines Foundation – an American company organized a charity gala event.


Part of the donations raised during the charity gala event – Wine for Warriors will be granted to Wounded Warriors Support Foundation for its charitable activities.

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Supporting victims of war in Ukraine


A family from Ukraine was taken to United States to get a vitally important medical treatment. Co-founder of WWSF, Paata Patiashvili accompanied them all the way to the states to ensure this happen.

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During June 23-30 Tserovani hosted the week of wounded warriors.

June 30 is wounded warriors’ day according to declaration of government of Georgia.


From June 23 till June 30 the week dedicated to wounded warriors was held in Tserovani, Maro Makashvili Rehabilitation Center. The opening ceremony was attended by Prime Minister, Irakli Graribashvili, Minister of Defense of Georgia, Juansher Chumburidze, deputy ministers, ambassadors and military attaches of different countries, as well as founder of “Wounded Warrior Support Foundation”, George Ramishvili.

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2021 Summarizing report  – On December 15 “Wounded Warrior Support Foundation” held the charity gala dinner and presented the results of its activities to society 


The charity event was attended by diplomatic corpus as well as representatives of NATO, members of ODC, wounded warriors, representatives of business and different sphere of society. Fund supporters and board members from USA joined the gathered guests through video connection.

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2021 Summarizing report  – On December 15 “Wounded Warrior Support Foundation” held the charity gala dinner and presented the results of its activities to society 


The charity event was attended by diplomatic corpus as well as representatives of NATO, members of ODC, wounded warriors, representatives of business and different sphere of society. Fund supporters and board members from USA joined the gathered guests through video connection.

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“Dare to Adventure” - French and Georgian Wounded Warriors Managed the Peak of Mkinvartsveri Mountain.


“Wounded Warrior Support Foundation” joined a very exciting initiative of a French former soldier, Gwenael Breton, who’s purpose is to travel around the world with his bicycle and boat. 

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“wounded Warrior Support Foundation” presented 2020 report to Society


Traditionally, by the end of the year, “wounded Warrior Support Foundation” presents its activities of the past year to society. Year 2020 was no exception. The fund did not suspend its charity activities even during pandemic. Moreover, foundation made special accent to the needs of wounded warriors.



Participating in Allied Forces Foundation Appalachian Yomp 2020


In October 2020 co-founder of “Wounded Warrior Support Foundation”, Paata Patiashvili participated in the Allied Forces Foundation Appalachian Yomp 2020. This activity was organized by partner of WWSF and a longtime friend of Georgia, Stuart Taylor and his charity organization Allied Forces Foundation. The start was taken from West Virginia (Harper's Ferry) and ended in Pennsylvania (Gettysbourg). The aim of this activity is to raise the awareness of society about wounded servicemen and servicewomen, as well as veterans and their family members and become involved in supporting them. The idea of Appalachian Yomp is based on a team work principle, where all volunteers (civil person, government official or representative of business sector) side by side with wounded warriors overcome the difficulties of mountainous path along 59 miles. During the Appalachian Yomp American and British friends expressed willingness and enthusiasm to support organization of similar activities in Georgia and hold it annually.



Meeting with supporters of the fund "Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers“


“Wounded Warrior Support Foundation” establishes connections with various similar funds abroad, in order to get their experience. It is vitally important to get united for supporting and expressing our appreciation to wounded veterans and military service men and woman. In the US the awareness about such funds is very high and society actively gets involved in the activities of such foundations, volunteering as they can. Supporter of the fund "Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers“, American veteran Adalbert Arakelov met founder of “Wounded Warrior Support Foundation“, George Ramishvili and beneficiaries of the fund during his recent visit in Georgia in order to learn more about the fund’s activities.


The Fund held charity dinner and presented the account of activities during 2019



On December 18 fund held the event, summarizing activities of the year. Invited guests were presented detailed report of spendings including 120 000 GEL committed by Silknet, added by donation contributed from companies and individuals. Along with reporting past year activities, founder and co-founder of “Wounded Warrior Support Foundation” declared, that the fund has grander plans for the future, fulfillment of which will be possible within the joint efforts made by private and public sector, as well as individuals.

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At the initiative of Embassy of France in Georgia, charity event was held in the support of Georgian wounded warriors

At the initiative of Embassy of France in Georgia, HE Ambassador of France Diego Colas and Defense Attaché, Lieutenant-Colonel Danny Pith, a charity event had been organized which was held during October 31-November 11. The donated amount was granted to WWSF. We highly value and appreciate Embassy of France’s support provided for our wounded warriors. It is our duty to honor and remember the deeds of our wounded warriors. Expressing the gratitude and support has always been such a paramount.

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First joint step of WWSF and “Boulder Crest Retreat”, American Rehabilitation Center

With co-financing of Wounded Warrior Support Fund, Georgian veterans visited USA. During 5-12th of November rehabilitation center “Boulder Crest Retreat” hosted Georgian wounded veterans in Virginia. The project is carried out by the initiative of Georgian Embassy in USA, with the support of Ken Folk, founder and president of “Boulder Crest Retreat” and from Georgian part – WWSF and State Office of Veteran affairs of Georgia. Two wounded veterans together with spouses visited the above center, where they had been included in the programs available at the base. The named project is the first joint step made by “Boulder Crest Retreat” and WWSF aimed at supporting rehabilitation of more Georgian wounded military officers and veterans.

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Co-founder of the foundation met with managers of charity organization of Challenged Athletes Foundation in United States.

On March 6, 2019 co-founder of Wounded Warrior Support Foundation Mr. Paata Patiashvili held a meeting with the leadership of Challenged Athletes Foundation (US charity organization) Ms. Virginia Tinley, Mr. Nico Marcolongo and Mr. Travis Ricks in San Diego, California. Challenged Athletes Foundation donated two sitting basketball wheelchairs for wounded soldiers of Georgian Defense Forces.

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On December 15, Silknet hosted a pre New Year charity lunch. The management of the foundation presented the mission, activities and plans of the WWSF.

As the best practices show, in USA and UK not only the state, but business sector and public figures are actively involved in supporting such foundations. The very idea of Foundation is to make support of wounded warriors a priority for the country and provide their due integration to the society.

WWSF, საქველმოქმედო სადილი (15.12.2018)

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Silknet “Founded Wounded Warrior Support Foundation”. Company will make at least,  120 000 GEL of yearly donation for activities of the foundation.

Warriors wounded at the battles for our Nation’s freedom and unity are the most valuable assets of our county – they represent the symbols of freedom and peace. It is an honorable duty of every single citizen to express our deepest gratitude and support. In the regard of the latter, support of the business sector as a corporate citizen is especially vital.

კომპანია სილქნეტმა დაჭრილ მებრძოლთა თანადგომის ფონდი დააარსა

350 Beneficiary
3,024,836.53 Amount Spent
6 Our Partners


0 901 777 771 The cost of calling is 1 GEL დარეკვა